
Magnetic Mold Clamping System for 200-ton Haitian Injection Molding Machine - HVR MAG

Nov 24,2020

The magnetic mold clamping system for Haitian injection molding machine were specially designed and manufactured by HVR MAG.

The customer asked for a magnetic mold clamping system for his 200-ton Haitian injection molding machine. They found HVR MAG on the Internet and contacted our customer representative immediately. And they were impressed by our custom design.

Shown in the video is how the machine works after the installation the magnetic mold clamping system. According to the customer's feedback, the magnetic mold clamping for Haitian needs less mold change time and mold modifications than hydraulic mold clamps. And the magnetic force is strong. And the on-site workers say it is easy to operate since our mold clamps was connected to the machine PLC system. We are proud to provide our customer satisfaction with our custom capabilities.

If you are interested in this mold clamping for Haitian or other brands of IMMs, please contact us at: export@hvrmagnet.com

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